Connelly wakeboards at low prices

Connelly veikborda dēļi un ūdensslēpes

Connelly wakeboards at low prices. New wakeboards from previous collections at low prices in the store. Connelly – a US brand since 1965 WILDCHILD 131 – BLANK W/FINS EUR 235 sieviešu dēlisLOTUS 134 D- BLANK W/FINS       EUR 245 sieviešu dēlisSTEEL 141 D – BLANK W/FINS       EUR 290 hibrīda dēlisDOWDY 136 […]

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Water skiing coach wanted

Bērnu apmācība ūdenslēpošanā

Water skiing coach wanted Place: Jurmala Waterski & Wakeboard Park, Jurmala, Latvia Tasks: 1. Youth water skiing team creation and coaching. Tricks, slalom. Probably jump later 2. The training process organization and management, assistance in organizing competitions 3. Coaching adult amateur slalom skiers 4. Tourist water skiing and wakeboarding tuition, motorboat excursions, Inflatable fun rides […]

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SUP board shop tips

PREMIUM class WILD SUP boards will provide advice on SUP board sizes, applications, equipment and instructions for use to help you choose the right SUP board in our online store and get the absolute best experience using it. SUP boarding is one of the most popular water sports in the world. Demand for individual sports increased due to social […]

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Jurmala water skiing school

Jurmala water skiing school

Jurmala water skiing school. 1st of June till 31st of August. Water skiing and wakeboarding at Jurmala, Priedaine since 1973. Children’s water skiing and wakeboard trainings until the age of 18. Tuition time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday From 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Children’s mornings Tuesday, Thursday From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Water skiing / […]

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